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Chinese Auction Knits works with Non-profit organizations

Are you a 501c organization?  Maybe you respresent a public school?  Whatever the circumstance is,  so long as you can prove the 501c status of your organization, you're in!  We provide hand-knit hats, and scarves for fundrasiers.


Hand knit or crocheted items last a century, so why are you still waiting?  The price may be free, but the hand-knits aren't free of quality!


Need certain colors?  For no charge you can customize, whatever you like about the scarves, just not if I knit them or not.  Afterall, how else will I know what colors, and what style you want!


We ship, or you pick up!  Everything is shipped through US Mail Parcel Post, so it should arrive it 3-5 days.

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